gregorian lunar calendar 2025. Chinese calendar is a lunar calendar. According to the chinese calendar, 2025 is yi si year (乙巳年) with the zodiac sign of snake.
gregorian lunar calendar 2025 The zodiac sign is snake. According to chinese calendar, 2025 is yi si year. 16, 2026, in the gregorian calendar.
Chinese Calendar Is A Lunar Calendar.
16, 2026, in the gregorian calendar. According to the chinese calendar, 2025 is yi si year (乙巳年) with the zodiac sign of snake. It lasts from january 29, 2025 to february 16, 2026 in gregorian calendar.
According To Chinese Calendar, 2025 Is Yi Si Year.
Yearly calendar showing months for the year 2025. Please use mouse to choose a year (1901 to 2100), the conversion table is in pdf format. Represent the first day of the lunar month.
List Of Indian Festivals And Holidays In The Year 2025, Which Includes Government And National Holidays, Buddhist Holidays, Jain Holidays, Sikh Holidays And Christian Holidays In India.
The zodiac sign is snake.